Digital Training / Education
Opening the immersive world to the idea of change
The Process
During lock-down I took it apron myself to start up a forum to help educate in the XR world. The XRFILES was created to bring people from all areas into an experience to learn, discuss and understand. Immersive experience can give to the education and learning process an extra dimension. Working with Alex Harvey from RIVR we have given a pedestal to unity, our police services and the WII nation to tell their stories. Each event has grown to engage more. Get more people thinking how they could use this ultimate sensory experience.
The Result
The events are ongoing and the feedback has been inspiring. There is a need now to consolidate the learning these event have shown and initiate a commonality to drive wider adoption
Making a change
XR technology has been around for a number of years, but the drive to compete has seen many poor experience. These will degrade the momentum that is required to make this valuable technology spread across all verticals